Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows
Janela Aberta provides a personalized consultancy service to help you make your design a reality.
As windows are a key barrier to the outside, it is of the utmost importance that the right materials are chosen, perfectly combining quality, comfort and design.
Our APCER – ISO 9001 certification and vast experience in our business sector ensure that any customer who relies on Janela Aberta can expect the highest standards of quality.
All our products carry a six-year warranty.
Casement Aluminium Windows
Our customers can choose from a range with an aluminium frame (BTF series) or with a thermal break, developed using two aluminium frames separated by a strip of polyamide, preventing heat loss from the interior (Thermostop 50 or 70 series).
Either system can be made into tilt and turn windows.
All our products carry a six-year warranty.

Sliding Aluminium Windows
Our customers can choose from a range of sliding windows with an aluminium frame (Comfort series) or with a thermal break, developed using two aluminium frames separated by a strip of polyamide, preventing heat loss from the interior (Thermoline series).
All our products carry a six-year warranty.